
Legal Window Tint Nsw

– Do not risk getting a fine or possibly invalidating your insurance by not respecting the standards by applying an illegal shade. If you have any further questions, please contact your nearest Tint your Ride store for information on legal window tinting in New South Wales. NSW Legislation: Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 2017, Schedule 2 Light Vehicle Standards Rules, #44 – Window tinting (PDF mirror, accessed February 2019). Browse our guide below, which outlines NSW`s local hue laws. You`ll notice throughout the guide that we`re referring to visible light transmission (VLT) – in summary, the higher the VLT, the lighter the film. With regard to Australian regulations, standards, laws, rules and conductive colours for vehicle window tint, it is generally accepted to have a car window tint of at least 35% visible light transmission (VLT). 35% and 50% VLTs are legally suitable for vehicle windows without existing tints. At the time of writing, a standard passenger car with 35% VLT window tint on the front driver and front passenger windows is allowed. A tint of 20% of VLT windows is allowed on the rear windows of the passenger and the rear window. If you plan to manufacture your vehicle in New South Wales (NSW), you need to be aware of the local requirements. While many regulations are similar across states and territories, there are differences.

While many car window film applicators offer customers dark window tint options, you may not be aware of all of these regulations – which can result in you being fined for installing a darker-than-legal window tint film and even being asked to remove the window tint film from your car windows. Talk to your local Tint a Car dealer for expert advice tailored to your individual needs and benefit from Octane – the darkest legal colour film in New South Wales installed on your car! While most car owners are already aware of the many benefits that car window tint provides, few are aware of the various rules and regulations that a car window tint must comply with to be considered a legal tint in New South Wales, VIC, QLD or any other state in Australia. In New South Wales (NSW), windscreens may only have a tinted strip at the top, equal to 10% of the total windscreen area or the part of the windscreen above the wiper reach, whichever is higher. Legal car window colours in New South Wales must meet certain technical specifications, such as the VLT is at least 35%. Your car window tint supplier`s knowledge of these regulations is an important aspect to consider when choosing the right supplier for your car`s tint. This knowledge could save you from being penalized for a road-unfit hue, which often costs several hundred dollars – often more than the dyeing job itself! There are some tolerances for darker shades behind the front side window in NT* and WA*. So don`t risk being fined for tinting your car just because you don`t know the legal dyeing laws in New South Wales – talk to our local team of Tint a Car window tinting professionals for expert advice – with stores all over Australia, You`re sure to have a store just around the corner! Please visit for the latest information on window tint laws in New South Wales. We have listed below some information that is current at the time of writing, but laws may change at any time without notice and, therefore, the following information may be out of date. Please also visit the RMS website if you need further questions about New South Wales` window tint laws.

What is VLT? VLT stands for Visual Light Transmission. Window films are available in different levels of VLT, which are identified by a percentage. The percentage is the amount of light that passes through the film. The higher the percentage of VLT, i.e. 70% VLT, the brighter the window film. The lower the percentage of VLT, i.e. 5% VLT, the darker the window film becomes. Just bought a new car and want the darkest legal shade legally possible in New South Wales? Tired of your existing car feeling like an oven? We offer a range of shades to suit a variety of styles and personal preferences. Do not risk your windows being tinted by a company that does not understand the legal requirements. There would be nothing worse than getting a costly fine from the police.

Australia`s window tint laws vary in some regions and states. This article contains all relevant information about window tint laws in New South Wales (NSW). On our Australia Window Tint Laws main page, you will find an overview of the laws governing car tinting for all territories and states and whether New South Wales` window tinting laws are legal in other parts of Australia. With the many car window tint suppliers across the state, knowledge of New South Wales` legal dyeing regulations is a factor you need to consider carefully. This is exactly why most car enthusiasts who want to ring their car turn to Tint a Car. With the expertise and knowledge of legal tinting in New South Wales, Tint a Car could save you a bundle – both on your initial investment in car window tint and on the hassle of having to face a fine because your car`s window tint is not roadworthy. With all these advantages, Octane window film is an obvious choice! Exclusive to Tint a Car, it`s no wonder that many car enthusiasts looking to install the darkest legal tint film in New South Wales trust us for the job! For example, the darkest legal colour film in New South Wales must comply with the regulations of at least 35% VLT. Visual Light Transmission (VLT) measurement is an indicator of how much light falls through your car`s windows.

Therefore, 35% VLT means that 35% of the incident light is transmitted while the rest is blocked. Check the New South Wales (NSW) requirements for window tint here: Dark window tint films help achieve that sporty, stylish and stylish look when applied to almost any vehicle. However, if you apply a dark-tinted film, you should follow the laws on tinted window films that apply to your particular condition. To avoid all these inconveniences, Tint a Car Octane wears a glass tinted film – the darkest legal window tint film in New South Wales, offering you a unique solution to the darkest tinted film in New South Wales! – All vehicles must not be darker than 35% VLT on the front windows of the driver and passenger. – Cars are allowed to have 20% VLT on the passenger`s rear windows and rear window. – Some commercial vehicles are films approved up to 5% VLT on the rear windows to protect the goods during transport. Visit the RMS website to see if your vehicle is registered. – No window film is allowed on the windshield of a vehicle, except for a solar strip that passes through the top of the windshield. – Cars with a privacy glass of 20% VLT or darker, it is not legally allowed to place a window film on the privacy glass (even if it is a transparent film) – Cars with a privacy glass lighter than 20% VLT can install a window film on the privacy glass as long as the VLT combination of privacy glass and window film does not fall below 20%.

The vehicle must always have 35% VLT on the front driver and passenger windings. Front windows, rear side windows and rear windows should not block more than 80% of the total light, which means they can have 20% VLT. Unless the vehicle is equipped with two mirrors on each side, 35% of the VLT is allowed. Octane allows you to install the darkest tint film possible in New South Wales without having to worry about the legal implications – since we`ve done all the research for you, you`ll save both time and the inconvenience of potentially getting fined for applying your car`s window tint film.